A steady flow of clients is a must for any clinic. To achieve this, and there is medical marketing, without which it is extremely difficult to manage a modern medical institution. And although the promotion of medical services has its own specifics, the main tools of the medical marketer are basically the same as those of his colleagues in other fields. We picked you up 10 tools that a medical marketer must be able to use.


This program is indispensable for analyzing competitors. SimilarWeb allows you to analyze websites, provides information about their traffic sources and ways to promote. The program allows you to collect data on the behavior and involvement of users of web sites and mobile applications. To master the service can be a few hours.


The service is designed for competitive analysis in search engines. The program allows you to analyze web sites, collect the semantic core, identify key queries that promote competitors. Also, using the service, you can find out information about contextual advertising of competitors, and the paid version includes the function of tracking site positions by queries in search engines. The paid version will cost from $ 19 per month and up to $ 299. The cost depends on how wide the functionality of the purchased package is.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics allows you to collect the most detailed data and statistics about website visits. You get not only information about the number of visitors, but also the places from which the visit was made. You can see which pages of the site are the most visited, see how users hit the site, track their behavior. On the functionality of Google Analytics, you can write for a long time – suffice it to say that it is almost impossible for a marketer to do without this tool.

Our company also offers a number of interesting solutions that will facilitate the work of the medical marketer.

Key collector

The main program for compiling the semantic core of the site. Allows you to collect and segment keywords from various sources in order to further determine the effectiveness and cost of the semantic core. The program also analyzes for compliance with this semantic core. The first license of the program costs 1800 rubles.

Yandex WordStat

Another tool for collecting semantic semantic core. Allows you to quickly generate a list of key requests, and also provides data on their popularity. Compared to Google KeyWord Planner, Yandex has a simpler and more convenient interface.


This service is designed to create a variety of infographics that will be useful to the medical marketer for the presentation of information. For example, the target audience of the clinic or services offered.


For the organization of work with clients and better marketing management clinic need a medical CRM. HubSpot is an inexpensive network CRM with wide functionality. And although large clinics require specialized medical crm, HubSpot is perfect for small medical institutions. For starters, you can use the free version, and when needs increase, the cost of a license for a full version of the system starts from $ 50 per month.


If your clinic does not have enough conventional CRM, then we offer specialized medical CRM!


Copywriting exchange, as well as the service allows you to check the text for plagiarism, spamming, water content.


Service to create mailings. The free version allows you to send 12,000 emails to 2,000 addresses per month. Also extensive opportunities for the design of letters, there are templates for almost all situations.


The program for managing site content. Allows you to create a website, blog, web page or application. WordPress gives you the opportunity to create a beautiful design and is quite easy to learn.


Our team already uses all these programs in its work. These systems allow us to maintain high quality in the creation of our products and the activities of our company.

We are developing a range of products to automate and improve the quality of the clinic.

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